Member Registration
SmartShip membership registration
To use the Smart Cargo service, you need to sign up with TracX Logis.
Your information will be safely managed by TracX Logis.
Once signed up, please visit KC International
and sign in with your email and password.
To use the Smart Cargo service, you need to sign up with TracX Logis.
Your information will be safely managed by TracX Logis.
Once signed up, please visit KC International
and sign in with your email and password.
Please select the member type.
Available Service
Member Registration - Basic Member
Items marked are required.
You'll use you email as your sign-in account name.
enter your email then click the [Check] button.
The password must be at least 8 characters long and consist of English letters, numbers, and symbols, and must include at least one number or symbol. The following symbols can be used in the password: ! @ $ % ^ & * ( ) [ ] - _ + = < > , . / ? ; : ' " { }